Joy. I have so much joy right now. Just this immense peace, this feeling of euphoria. Quite a change from my early month of June.
Joy is a different admission to life than happiness. Joy is the everlasting presence of happiness. It has been defined as "the passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by success, good fortune, and the like, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exhilaration of spirits; delight." While happiness may depend upon an action, joy is the lifelong return on investment of our happiness. Happiness may be fleeting, but true joy always remains within our hearts. It is part of the bigger picture.
I have tried to look at the bigger picture recently. Those images of how things may play out "eventually", or the ending to my book of life. Not what is going on now, the present demands I may incur, or what may be in the forefront of my life today. The bigger picture is reviewing and seeing how my actions, thoughts, and deeds of today relate to my thoughts 1 year, 5 years, 10 years from now.
This bigger picture is not defined by a singular moment. There is not a pivotal moment I am wanting to define, or seeking out, but rather a collection of small moments that create my life. Small moments that leave me breathless with delight. Small moments that lead me down a path to long term joy. This is not as hard as it seems, but also not as easy as it appears. To recognize those moments is often difficult. I have looked back on the moments that were hard. Those gut-wrenching, heart-breaking moments where I didn't know how I would wake up in the morning. I have found those moments allowed me to learn more about myself. Those moments have led me to the joy I feel now. They are not only helping define more about who I am, but also helping me to love myself more in spite of my flaws. They offer a different point of view on how I see others within my life. I have learned to appreciate these moments with as much perspective as I would the happy moments experienced. And, those happy moments...those silent acts of kindness from others directed toward me, the laughter with family and friends, or quiet moments I did not want to end...all lead to joy.
My flaws and strengths are plentiful. They range from a fear of being alone to being a germophobic person who almost never will eat something unless she knows without a doubt no one has touched it before her. I can be moody when I feel unwanted, wicked when I feel like playfully teasing someone. I can love someone without limits, and forgive without strings attached. I am someone who will show up when asked, but also is willing to let a friend know if I am uncomfortable. When I look in the mirror I can see the sands of time ticking all over my face, my hair with strands, once dark now illuminating white if the light is just right. I am bigger in size than I am used to, and try to not be hard on myself given the reasons why I am bigger. I find happiness in the mundane cleaning rituals, and satisfaction when making someone smile.
I have also discovered my joy is not strictly due to those surrounding my life. While I know they create joy in my life, they are not the reason for my joy. I am happy for me. I am joyful due to knowing myself better. The past month has been filled with those brief moments spent with others, but also becoming a scholar to who I am.
In the end, no one can give you joy. No one can make you happy unless you are a happy individual first. No one can mark joyfulness on your heart unless joy previously existed before. I have discovered my joy is not strictly revolved around or due to those surrounding my life. While I understand and gladly welcome the joy they create within my life, they are not the sole reason for my joy. I am happy for me. I am joyful due to knowing myself better. The past month has been enriched with brief moments spent with others that created joy, but becoming a scholar of who I am while being involved with those moments offer long term joy within my heart.