Can't sleep. Seems to be an ever present theme in my life. Sure, I will go through phases where I get to sleep (actual sleep) by 9pm; those phases typically do not last very long. It isn't that I have much on my mind, that I am worried or stresses. There isn't really anything keeping me up except the inability to lay down.
Completely random thoughts are the reason for this posting. Nothing more, nothing less tonight. So, here it goes...
I love my life right now. It is definitely not perfect, though. In fact, there are many things I would like to have differently. But at this very moment, right now, I am content with what I have. I know I may have more in the future, but hopefully I never have less. I have had more in the past but strangely am okay with letting go, and moving on.
I am so blessed to have this family by birth, blood, marriage, someone else's marriage, friendship. Every day I get to wake up and realize how much more I love them.
I can't wait for the day when I can fully be able to exercise again without the issue of back pain. To the lady who hit me in March: thanks! Really appreciate being rear-ended, and also not being able to have a way to run off some energy!
I have that stupid song from Cinderella stuck in my head right now..."Someday my prince will come..." That is agitating to say the least. When is someday, and why hasn't that day arrived yet.
It scares me how big my children are getting. I look at Emberleigh and she is almost as tall as me. She is growing into a beautiful, opinionated little woman who has so much to offer this world. I look at Tyler who is just the best kid to hang out with when I am feeling down, and always has a way of making me smile.
I wonder if the people who cut you off in traffic, then have the nerve to flip the universal peace sign ever get that same treatment. Maybe it has happened to them SO many times they decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Will I EVER be able to get to Italy! Seriously, that is on my list of 35 before 35...and 35 is about 8 months away on Sunday (yes, I really am counting down).
Speaking of that list, I really need to see if there is ANYTHING else I can take off!
I miss Stephanie very much right now! I miss the days when we were both in college, renting movies, doing cross-stitch and drinking tea like little old ladies. I am lucky to have great friends that surround me every day, but there is nothing like your best friend to make you smile.
I am trying to mentally pack for 2 California trips, and a trip to New York City in my head. I hate bringing too much, but what if I forget something and can't live without it.
Seriously, when will I be able to lay down and sleep.
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