The first time you held his hand, touched his arm, or looked into his eyes for the first kiss. That quick in your stomach feeling of jitters, the rush of sensation to your head just hearing him talk, or the weak in the knees sensation when you kiss him. That feeling when you see him arrive, where you feel the world is actually singing to you...oh, the start of something new! All the talk about what you want, all the time spent just holding hands, discovering who they are, how they may accent your life just by being present. That leap in your heart when the phone rings, and you see his name on the screen, the way you may tease each other over silly little things that eventually develop into bigger things...
The first time you meet each others family, hoping everyone is on their best behavior and no awkward stories come up. Him being your first thought when you wake up in the morning, only to discover a text message from him, or, better yet, the phone ringing with his voice on the other end of the line. The first time you see him in a sensitive light where you see a path to his heart - that path to his heart that helps you fall deeper in like each day. The way he looks at you when you have been apart for only a few hours, the way he holds your face as he kisses you...the first time you realize you are trusting him to be true to your heart, something you have a difficult time doing. The first time you realize you have more than a little crush...
The first time you looked at him and saw a fear...the first time you saw vulnerability that you knew was his heart. The first time you allowed yourself to cry in front of him,or share things that you were afraid to previously share. Those secrets from the past where you may have been afraid to push him away, and needed time to learn to trust him.
...all that beautiful beginning to something more...the start of something new...the hope to not be hurt again...the thought of forever once again...
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