We all have those likes and dislikes in our lives. Some we may share with others, and some may be unique to only us. I am not a master of all things in this world, but I am a master of knowing what I do not like, do not appreciate, and do not want just as much as I am aware of what I like, what I appreciate, and what I want.
In knowing what I don't want or like, it allows me to avoid certain pitfalls easier. I will occasionally step outside the realm of my world and try new things, but often times I remain quite happy within the bubble I have created. Recently, my bubble was shattered when I tried sushi again - and realized I actually enjoyed it. I am not going overboard with crazy varieties - mostly tuna and salmon. But this was a HUGE revelation to me in discovering this little tid-bit. I posted earlier what I liked. So, to have the yin with my yang, here is a list of things I do not like, do not appreciate, and do not want. I am not saying I have never done these things I dislike - quite the contrary. I could have done these items on my list, and learned, or have had them done to me. Either way, they are on the dislike list now.
I do not like:
Getting cut off in traffic
Confrontation of any kind. I am not one to tell you if you have hurt me, and will analyze to all ends of the day what I did, or what my part was to ensure if we do talk about my hurt I am not taking things out on you that really are not your fault
Jealousy between friends. This is hard, because you can never truly eliminate this aspect of human nature. But, as a head's up, if I tell you I want to do something for months, and you decide to circumvent and make my desire harder due to jealousy I will not be happy about it. But, due to not liking confrontation I will probably analyze if I told you what I wanted in a method that was easy to understand, and ultimately not do what I wanted to do out of respect for you.
Being ignored. Again, this is something that really may be my own interpretation of what is going on. You may be wild busy with whatever it is you are doing, and not intentionally ignoring me. But just the same, refer to the item about confrontation...
Attention seekers. I am a wall-flower. It may take me a while to open up to new people. I am suspicious at times of new people. I probably won't be the life of the party around new people. Due to this, I have a hard time with people are are purposeful in seeking attention.
Doing good deeds to garnish attention. Much like those who are attention seekers, this group of people will do good, tell you about the good they did, along with everyone they know, and then almost pat themselves on the back with "I am just glad I was there to help him/her." The intention may be to perform good deeds, but if you are telling everyone what you did, and also if it involves helping someone going through a difficult time where you have now let everyone else in on the inner workings of someone's pain it somehow diminishes the original intent.
Making someone else look bad at the sake of making yourself look good. I once had a friend who would constantly belittle me in the presence of others...it could be her boyfriend, my boyfriend, mutual friends, my kids, co-workers. It became a huge issue of why we are no longer friends. There is a difference between teasing someone in good taste, and making a fool of or mocking someone.
I do not appreciate:
Drama queens and kings. Yes, I know you are tired, that your legs hurt, that you have all kinds of things going on within your minute/hour/day/week/life. Complaining about it, or making others around you uncomfortable due to how you mention it is unnecessary. Creating issues for yourself when you have complete control over a majority of what you think and express to the world is really unnecessary.
Lack of respect for my religious or political views/beliefs. I am more than willing to share my thoughts on religion and politics. I will sit and listen to your thoughts on the same subject with an open mind, respect, and curiosity. However, do not mock my beliefs or argue with my thoughts, and disrespect who I feel.
Men who claim to be something they are not. There is nothing worse than meeting someone, have them match your ideals, then find out they were not really telling the truth. This goes both ways for women insinuating half truths to men. If you don't like something, please do me the favor and tell me. If your feelings have changed, save me the heartbreak by telling me. Don't do my any "favors" by misleading me, keeping me in a loop, or creating more drama in my life...
People with easy jobs complaining about their jobs. Yes, it is work. I get it. No one likes to work. Especially if there is little to do at your job. But if your job includes nothing more than reading magazines, going to Facebook all day, or using g-chat to tell your friends how bored you are, get over yourself. You are lucky to be employed, and lucky no one has caught on that you actually need to do something else other than running your mouth.
People who create drama in my life. This just goes without saying. If you decide to have drama, that is great...for you. I don't want it in my life however, due to the amount of drama already present. I don't want to hear how much you hate something that you know directly effects me but I have no control over, like my job, car, children, etc. I don't want to be disturbed with your messages if they will bring nothing but misery to my life...
Laziness. Every once in a while I will sit and do nothing. I can appreciate it for all of 5 minutes. But for those who are consistently not doing anything, then complaining to be bored, or those who do not do something, anything, with their time.
What I don't want:
- Cheaters, Liars, Thieves need not apply. If you intent to do any of the previously mentioned, please do not even bother in initiate conversation with me. Likewise, if you have ever cheated on a girlfriend or boyfriend I am also not interested. In my experience, those who cheat are, in fact, thieves, and liars. As someone who has been cheated on, I really don't want to repeat history with a new person, be that a new boyfriend or new friend.
- Excuses for ineptness I really don't feel the need to explain this other than if you have the aptitude for ineptness, and your attitude is to blame things away, I have enough going on in my life. Again, please don't call me, I will never answer. And please do not expect a Christmas card or warm fuzzy at any point from me.