Monday, October 18, 2010

In case of an emergency, please call...

It is funny the little "emergencies" we have in life. Every moment could be a breaking point either one way or the other if we let it. On a daily basis we encounter circumstances with other people, bills we can or cannot pay, friends who lift us up or let us down, and the constant need to succeed, and the constant desire to not fail. Our lives are so much a yo-yo of aiming, and hopefully marking our target. But what happens when you have those emergencies that are gut-wrenching, or seemingly beyond our means, or our control?

This seems to be the idea of the moment within my life for the past 6 months. Really, if I look back further I am sure it would be a longer stretch of time. But I feel as if I have lived a lifetime within my last six months. I have had many successes, and many moments where I have fallen (both figuratively and literally.) And it seems, in those moments, my prayers are answered, unfailingly. Though where the source comes from is very surprising, and leaving me feeling blessed beyond measure. Today, I am singing the psalm of ascents.

Psalm 121 (New King James Version)

Psalm 121

A Song of Ascents.
1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills - From whence comes my help?
2 My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.

3 He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.
8 The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.

So many moments of my life could be summed by the opening line of this passage. So many moments within my life I could sing praises just based on the passage for my fortune. My fortune may not be of great wealth to the rest of the world; I won't be driving a Mercedes Benz at any point soon to come, or drape my neck with jewels. I have a fortune, a great wealth, of family and friends who care for me in my greatest time of need. It is always surprising to me who it is that comes in my time of need.

I am divorced. Yet, my in-laws have never become exes within my life. The ways they support me cannot be measured by anything this world can describe. My sister-in-law Jessica offering to help with a car, and no concern for payment. My mother-in-law who calls me on days I need a hug to tell me she loves me. My father-in-law who would leave notes around my house telling me I was a great mom, and deserved nothing short of the best when I felt my world falling apart around me. My other sisters-in-law Arin and Krista who care for my kids when they are visiting, and never complain about the extra mouths to feed, never play a guilt trip on time they must spend. They have been there for me before, during, and after the end of my marriage always in support, always in love, and always in a way that is beyond what is expected of a typical ex-in-law situation.

For my own family, always willing to pitch in when they can. Always willing to help with a hand, and love that cannot be tarnished.

I have friends who show their presence in ways often not broadcast to the world. Friends who, by normal standards, may be the least likely of candidates to show when needed. But always there, holding me up when I feel I will crumble with the world I feel is falling apart as well.

For these people, for these situations, I know the Lord is standing beside me. He is giving me the help I need, and hopefully I am able to return that help when asked, or without prompting but by thought. In case of an emergency, these are the people I call after praying. My help comes from the Lord, through mysteries I cannot dispel, and often do not feel worthy of. My help comes from the maker of heaven and earth, who made me to serve Him, and to praise Him, even when the world is crashing.

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