Sunday, June 13, 2010

Who I am

Who am I...that changes every day. I am a fighter, but I am frightened. I am a blonde by birth, dark hair by color, and white hair slowly creeping onto my scalp. I am young, but old at the same time. I am a woman but still feel like a girl. I am a mom, but still someones daughter. I am a lover without someone to love.

What I love:
- my children's giggles
- Emi's compassion
- Tyler's skepticism
- being close to my family
- seeing someone touch their own personal stars in the sky
- hearing "What a Wonderful World" by any singer
- sunsets
- having my favorite hymn played at church

What I like:
- daisies, especially Gerber daisies
- the beach, with sand between my toes and a cool breeze
- the smell of the desert after it rains
- lightening storms from the distance
- waking up next to the man I love
- long drives to clear my head
- seeing my favorite baseball teams win a big game
- sitting in a ball park during a game
- Marilyn Monroe
- Aerosmith on a long drive when I am feeling blue
- friends who are there through thick or thin
- hearing the perfect song on the radio
- hiking on a beautiful clear day
- finding jeans that fit
- opening my Bible to the perfect scripture
- gardening from seed to harvest

I am sure the list is longer than this. I am sure there are many more things I love, many more things I like. I needed a release to just remember what I have in my life that is positive, wonderful, delightful, and worth remembering.

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