Monday, January 24, 2011

Being far away is difficult

There are so many times when being in a relationship is difficult. It does not matter what type of relationship this is either. It could be the relationship I have with my parents, or brothers; the relationship I have with my children, friends, or person I am seeing. All have an underlying option of being difficult.

In difficult, I do not mean issues, or problems. Regardless of any relationship status this will always present itself at some point. I know, however, it is how you work together that determines the success or failure of the relationship. But that is not the difficulties I am speaking of.

No, the difficulties I am referring to are those situations or circumstances in which you wish you could do more, but are unable to.

I am in a long distance relationship. Regardless of what you wish to define we are doing, ultimately that is what it is. Through this LDR, there are many things that make the road more difficult. I can't go to his place on a Friday night to watch a movie. He can't come over on a random Tuesday night for dinner. We don't have the ability to take lunch together, or even ride in the car someplace. That means the time I am able to spend with him is even more important and valuable. I would never allow the above mentioned scenarios to be a reason to not be with him. I would hope he feels the same.

Case in point - currently he is not feeling good. I would love to be able to go to his place, help him out, even if that meant just washing his dishes so that he can rest. But I am 2500 miles away...stuck in Arizona where all I can really do is pray he feels better, pray he is able to recover quickly, and check in on him to make sure he is okay. This is not the first time he has been sick, and although he is not a sickly individual, I always feel helpless in any attempts I can make on my own being this far away. It is a helpless feeling that bothers my heart, knowing where I would like to be verses where I am.

In many ways, if he was here I wouldn't be able to drop everything to care for him. I don't think he would want that. I have my own responsibilities of children, work, schedules to keep. I have my own list of things to do that keep me occupied nicely. But there would be an opportunity to stop by to help, even for the briefest of moments, that would at least squash the helpless feelings I have now.

Being far away is difficult. Especially when all I would like to do is help him feel better, help him rest easier, and make things a bit easier while he is not feeling good.

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