Friday, January 14, 2011

The Universe and Stars were lying to someone

Today it was announced that there was a 13th astrological sign that should be used, called Ophiuchus.  For those born between November 29 - December 17, this has completely altered what they believed they were all along, a Sagittarius.

My sign, Pisces, has remained the same.  I was a Pisces when I went to sleep before I knew of this whole attempt to create universal mishaps, and is the same after finding out about the 13th dimension to the stars. If nothing else, I am known for my loyalty and holding onto things - I guess the universe had me pegged from the start.

However, this alters others and what signs the believed they had been.  And my biggest question is - were the Universe and Stars lying to all those who now are a new sign?  For how many years were people thinking "Oh, I am stubborn because I am an Aries!" only to find out now they are not an Aries, but a Pisces?  And for all the times we have referenced those silly compatibility charts for your sign verses someone else's sign for the game of love - am I now to believe what I previously read that fit to a perfect "T" is now all falsehoods, and I need to read about another sign?  Or, for those with a new sign now needing to know who they really are in astrological terms.  It must feel like being Alice in Wonderland, chasing after the White Rabbit and meeting the Mad Hatter along the way. I can not imagine what that must be like...

...of course, I am joking.  

In my own life, the astrological signs have been used for slight inspiration, but my life is not guided by what I read.  I don't feel that because one source will say "Tonight you will have an interesting conversation with an attractive person" that it will actually happen.  But for those in the world who follow these signs, I am sure they are devastated.  For those who's signs have changed, they now learn they have been reading the wrong message their entire lives?  Is there some sort of universal recourse for this?  Is there an injury lawyer ready to take this case if they choose to sue? 

For those that read charts for others, or believe in their abilities to read the future based on when someone was born, what does this say about their abilities.  Are those abilities diminished by these new play-guides we are now forced to follow?  If they could read the future, how come they were not privy to this new enlightenment?  Does the universe and the stars pick and choose who is privy to such important news?  What's next?  Are we going to learn that Pluto is no longer a planet within our solar system?  Oh, was determined Pluto is not a planet anymore...

Man, my universe is now in complete upheaval with this news!

20 years from now, it will not seem strange that a new sign was introduced, causing upheaval within the universe for many.  20 years from now it will be part of life, and all the fuss will be forgotten, or seem like it was a big waste of time. For those who have now learned they were mislead their entire lives, I sincerely apologize.  For those who are not sure what to do - get a life.  For those who don't know if they have a new sign or not, good for you!  This obviously mean you are more well-rounded than me, and were not in the least interested in these changes.  I applaud you for that...really I do. You demonstrate a higher level of intelligence than the rest of the humans on this planet. But if you ever become curious of your new status within the stars, the new chart and symbols are below for you to refer to.

Capricorn - Jan 20 to Feb 16
Aquarius - Feb 16 to Mar 11
Pisces - Mar 11 to Apr 18
Aries - Apr 18 to May 13
Taurus - May 13 to Jun 21
Gemini - Jun 21 to Jul 20
Cancer - Jul 20 to Aug 10
Leo - Aug 10 to Sep 16
Virgo - Sep 16 to Oct 30
Libra - Oct 30 to Nov 23
Scorpius - Nov 23 to Nov 29
Ophiuchus - Nov 29 to Dec 17
Sagittarius - Dec 17 to Jan 20

1 comment:

  1. OMG...yeah according to this Andrew, who is a VIRGO, would be a LEO (can you imagine Andrew in the spotlight & throwing tantrums because his mane is slowly shedding) & I (the epitome of a SCORPIO) would be a Libra... I THINK NOT!!! I also don't follow these things to live my life by but for the generalities of personalities & a persons quirks plus what makes them tick, its helpful info to know at times. Of course I also don't care what they say about Pluto, to me Pluto will always be my beloved dark Planet!


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