Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday ponderings

Sometimes I wonder just how I got here from where I started out.  I met my ex husband at 19, married and a mother by the end of my 21st year.  So, I never had that opportunity to know who I am without terms like wife or mom associated closely behind. While I wouldn't trade my kids in for time out with girlfriends, I rarely get to just have 5 minutes to use the restroom. Where is that place; where am I at?
  •      Single. 
  •      Divorced. 
  •      Mom of 2. 
  •      No college degree due to leaving school when I became pregnant with my first child. 
  •      Constantly worried about bills. 
  •      No real time to just be Ruthe except the brief moments of solitude to or from work in between dropping kids off or picking kids up.
I married at 21, knew the marriage was bad by 22, and made a promise to leave if things didn't improve in 5 years at the age of 23.  And in keeping that promise, I left with 2 kids in tow at age 28.  Working for barely more than what it took to run a household, I learned over and over how to sacrifice my needs for the needs of 2 kids. I've been blessed to stumble into jobs that are beyond my true skill set. I mean, without a degree it is hard to get a job doing anything. The one thing I do have is a desire to learn, so this has worked to my benefit. But there is still so much shame in being who I am...I often wonder how someone would think I was a good catch given my offerings to the table.  I don't have an important title of Vice President of so-and-so, I make enough to support the family, but it is not in the triple digits...I haven't traveled to far off places to add an air of awe when I describe going to Flagstaff, AZ for a vacation.  I am just Ruthe...

Bottom line, regardless of any success I may have, strides for improvement I make, or sacrifices made, I'm still just a single, divorced, uneducated mother of 2 who struggles to make ends meet financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I rarely ask for help.  I don't have a regular babysitter I call when I want to go out...I don't ask for help financially, and can count on one hand when I have asked for that.  I don't assume someone is willing to help me.  It is ironic or funny to me that in spite of rarely asking for help, I hear the backlash just the same. I am damned because I don't ask for help. But in asking for help I am damned when suddenly I'm seen as someone who takes. And those who say they will be there, or be able to help usually leave in the long-run. I don't think I ask for too much, of expect more than I should...

No, quite the opposite that I've come to expect very little from others including family and friends due to this. Time after time I've been let down, hurt, and seen as someone who's intentions are different than what my heart may feel. If something needs to be done, I know I count on only myself for most every situation I may face.

I'm tired. I'm tired of hoping for something tangible when I struggle at times to act on faith.

I do most of my daily routines by myself. I don't have someone to cook dinner for me if I'm tired. I don't have someone holding my hand when I'm scared. I don't have someone to hug me when I feel my world is crashing around me. If I am short on money there is no child support check in the mail that will help. And while I have the kids to offer hugs, it isn't the same. And while I have my guy to talk to, he is also far away and unable to offer anything more than a kind voice on the end of a phone line. This is something I knew in the beginning, and I certainly do not begrudge this...The times I spend with him are my times of serenity where I can only focus on myself and him.

To some, I am sure this sounds very selfish, and I signed up for this when I had kids.  After all, isn't that what having kids does?  Forces you to grow up, think of others instead of yourself?  Your desires are always constantly measured by the needs of your family, and really, who am I to complain...I signed up for this.

I am sure to the outsider I may appear strong. I get things done. I fight for what needs done.I juggle the needs of 2 additional people beyond myself, and do what is best for them.  Truth is, I am constantly in fear of the juggling act, and cry out to the Lord more often than not for sanity to just remain a feature I maintain out of necessity.

I didn't sign up to be a single parent.  I was not one of those women who wanted to have it all, do it all, and all on my own.  I wanted to have the white picket fence, the happy marriage, the life described to me in movies.  I didn't sign up to be emotionally battered by the person I married, or have my kids not hear from him on a regular basis because he is busy perfecting himself.  Hell, most days I would love to be able to perfect one small aspect of my routine.  I didn't sign up for raising two kids into adults while he decides to do whatever he feels.  And this has been the case since before the kids were even born...this started when I was pregnant with my first child, and gradually became a mountain of self-doubt to whether something was wrong with me.  Why isn't he coming home?  I must have done something to make him not want to be here....why does he decide to not help with the kids?  I must have done something to make him not want to help...and on, and on,and on.

Truly, I have been alone for so long, I wonder if things were different, how would that feel?  How would it feel to know that someone over the size of my children was waiting for me to come home, excited to see me, or maybe not even excited to hear about my day, but just comforted in my presence.  I wonder why I have been faced with so many obstacles while others seem to breeze through...and I wonder why I have not been faced with other obstacles that could be far worse...

I had dreams.  I had big plans.  I wanted to finish school, start my career, then think about all these things that are on my plate now.  While I can still finish school, the primary focus is on the kids, and making sure they do everything they need to do, have everything they need...

Right now I am very frustrated with things in general.  There is not a face to it, a tangible method of facing my can't stare fear in the face and tell it to can only work through what you fear, and grow.  I am so blessed, and so happy with where I am in life for most every hat I must wear.  I am happy being a mom, happy to have my job, happy to be in a relationship that spans several thousand miles...but sometimes I just need a hug, and for someone to tell me I will be okay...I will make it...and what I set out to do is still part of the plan...

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