I spent some time with Great Grandma yesterday. A rare treat for us since she moved back to Washington. She told me stories of her parents immigration from Russia to America with their parents, stories of her marriage to Grandpa Bill, and how she thinks her current age of 87 does not scare her, but turning 90 is a different story. Up until 10 years ago she was running in marathons. She raised her family with an iron fist, and the heart of a champion.
We are very blessed to have Great Grandma. She is the glue that holds so much together. Her quiet yet tenacious style is to be admired. She was married to Grandpa for over 50 years, raised 4 kids, knows more about gardening than anyone else I know. She holds so many memories that, if given the time, would take years to tell. She has been able to travel the world, spent time exploring the planet. Her luck is amazing! She once told me a story of going to a World Series game at Yankees Stadium with Grandpa Bill - they were in the city on business when she happened into an elevator where 2 business men were informed they would need to return from their business trip. In the elevator she overheard them talking about having tickets to the game that night, and their plan to sell them. Being Grandma, she asked how much they wanted for the tickets...the meager price paid would be unheard of today, and the experience of seeing a World Series game was one that left a deep impression on a woman who has so many other experiences. She makes her own jewelry, knows everyone's birthday, and loves beyond any boundaries.
My own daughter is growing into a strong woman. I wish I could be accredited with her wisdom and grace, but the truth is she was born with this. As an infant she looked so much wiser than her age. Her compassion toward others is remarkable, her ability to forgive teaches me to forgive. She expresses herself in a way that I often find incredible given her young age. She loves her family more than anything, and never forgets a friend regardless of distance or time last seen. Her heart is that of a quiet warrior. Yes, she is still a child, and bickers with her brother, whines about cleaning her room, and doesn't like to hear an answer of no, but it is how she carries herself that is truly that of a strong woman.
In a world where it is sometimes difficult to be a woman, I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by women of high character. On average, we make less than men, but live longer lives. We handle work, family, and everything else in between. We juggle our emotions against what the world thinks we should do. We love beyond reason sometimes to our detriment. We fight within our gender for rights, needs, and desires. We have PMS, can be moody beyond all reason, and cry at the first sight of a Hallmark commercial. We can be strong, resilient, and pick up the pieces where they may fall. We are lucky enough to become pregnant, carry a living being within our bodies, then raise that living being to be a caring individual. Yes, I will admit, I want a man to help me, yearn for a partner in my life, and desire to have a lifetime of joy with a man. But this also makes me strong for admitting my desires.
I did not grow up with a sister, but am fortunate to have sisters-in-law that demonstrate strength in monumental ways. I have a mother who could carry a power tool at the same time as sewing clothes. I have a mother-in-law who has had to overcome difficulties and is able to chuckle at previous moments. My best friend demonstrates strength under extreme difficulties. My female friends create a safe haven for my own strengths to be utilized, and their quiet yet patient tendencies to shine under adversity. I am surrounded by strong women with whom I learn to be strong. I am surrounded by shining stars, and happen to be raising another strong woman in her own right. And hopefully the circle will be complete some time in the distant future that she will raise her own daughter to be strong, and carry on this tradition.
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