When the kids and I moved into an apartment in 2004, my son asked if we could get a dog. Problem being, our lives had changed drastically within the past 6 months before this request. I had made the difficult decision to leave my husband. With the decision to leave a bad situation, the kids and I stayed with a friend for several months as I go back on my feet. My work schedule was not reliable. I was working at Neiman Marcus at the time where I was able to have control of my schedule, but still needed to work at least one night a week. The kids were attending school and daycare full time. Our apartment was larger, and definitely fit our needs, but was not a good location to have an animal. It was not the right time to get a dog.
I told my kids when we moved into a house, we would get a dog. They persisted every once in a while. My son especially wanted an animal to cuddle with, take for walks, play with...all the fun things you imagine when talking about having a pet. And, in the fall of 2008 we moved into a house. The house was large enough for a huge mastiff if we wanted, had a doggy door, and a big back yard to run around in. By this time, life had changed. I was no longer working for Neiman Marcus with evening shifts. I was now working Monday through Friday, 8-5. But that Monday through Friday schedule was much longer than just 8-5. We would need to leave the house at 6:30am to get the kids to school, and not return home until around 6:30pm. The kids were older, and not attending daycare any longer. They were now members at a local Boys & Girls Club. But that did not mean they would get home before I did to spend time with the dog. Weekends would be the only time we could devote to a new member of our household. But, with an animal needing and deserving the same attention as a child, this would not be a good scenario.
We were lucky to have my father-in-law bring his dogs over to the house. His dogs - Josie, Ashley, and Gypsy - were always welcome in our home, and made a few visits to the kids. As our time in the house progressed we lost Josie to old age, and Ashley was very shy around people after the loss. Gypsy, being a chihuahua, was just spunky and not sure what to think when dropped off. The kids were able to have this exposure, however, and learn more about dogs.
Our time in the house ended. I miss this house, and all the kooky nooks and crannies! I miss the space, and the feeling of being home. We recently moved into a townhouse that is not terrible, but still becoming acquainted with the new digs. 2 weeks before moving into the townhouse, I started a new job which was much closer to home, a better schedule for both the kids and me. And a month after moving, I started feeling the strong urge to get a dog. There were all these fabulous (new job), not as fabulous (new place to live), and difficult at the time (breakup with a boyfriend) that had occurred in 6 weeks span of time. So much has changed in my life, and even the difficult times I have experienced have really turned out for the best. Yes, it is hard not being in the house, but it is only drywall and wood. Yes, it was difficult going through a breakup, but in hindsight I learned so much about myself through the relationship, through the breakup, and am thankful to be in a much better place now. It seemed the perfect time to find a dog.
Enter friend Jessica Higgins. Around the same time, Jessica was looking for a new dog. We had gone to a local rescue farm and found her new dog, Luke. Luke was very much the protector of Carrie, owner of the farm. He watched her every move to make sure she was okay. When it came time to select a dog, I told Jessica that Luke would be a great match simply due to his level of protection he demonstrated. While at the farm, I found the sweetest dog named Lois. If I was not the level headed person I am, who is cautious with every turn, I would have walked away that day with her. But, being the person I am, I thought about this decision. I prayed about this decision, and realized I was not ready. Taking an animal home to me is the same as bringing a new baby into my home. It will take dedication, time, energy, and passion. Preparation was needed. Lois was extremely sweet and with a great disposition. She was beautiful with freckles on her nose. But she was also a larger dog that would need room. She was still in a chewing phase that I would not be keen on. I kept my eye on the website for the rescue farm, looking at the dogs to see if one was perfect.
Jessica and I took a trip out to the farm on 4th of July weekend, and I met Wendy. I had gone out to see another dog named Charlie. Charlie was very sweet, and a bit shy around new people. But Wendy was similar to Luke. Wendy watched Carrie with love. Wendy was very calm and sat down next to us, resting her legs, and not being forceful in her need to be noticed. As I did for Jessica, she did for me. "Ruthe, you HAVE to get Wendy!"
That day I made the decision to bring Wendy home! She needed to stay at the farm for a month due to some travel the kids and I would be doing, but she was ours. And last night, we picked her up, brought her home, and welcomed her into our family. As we were driving away from the farm, the place that had been Wendy's home for a few months, she settled between Emi and Ty. She rest her head on Emi's lap as we were driving away, and seemed very comfortable with her new situation. There will be an adjustment period for Wendy, and for us. We are getting to know her little spirit, and she will be learning ours. But we are so happy to have her come into our home and offer her love. She will be there for the kids as a friend and companion. She will hopefully grow to an old age and have a happy life with us. We are elated to have her as the newest member of our family.
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