Thursday, November 4, 2010

The other side of me

If love was mathematical
You'd understand the sum
To the heart's equation
Where one and one makes one
And lonely equals me minus you

In our heart of hearts, I think we all desire for math, logic, desire, and reason to equate to the lyrics in Michael W. Smith's song "The Other Side of Me." We all desire to have a mathematical equation of 1+1=1 within our relationships. Not in the "I can't do anything without you by my side" co-dependency, but a partnership where we are as one in mind, body, and spirit.

This song has meant so much to me over the years. It has been a song of courage to me, to always live my faith, and to include my Heavenly Father in my daily life. Truly, those who know me understand one thing about me - my faith is of the highest importance to me. I do not shy away from telling people of my faith, and know that in prayer, I have been blessed with riches beyond my wildest dreams. Not the riches of this world, but that of family, friends, and protection. While I may not have a big house, a happy marriage, or much money in my bank accounts, I know these things are in my future in one shape or another.

This has been a song of love. How amazing is it to think that someone could think of you with such delight as to equate to shadow and light, or the ocean and shore. This is the song I had played at my wedding. And while I was going through the separation and eventual divorce of that marriage it still entailed, I would play this song to remind myself of what I felt the day it played in the church, wearing a white dress, and feeling so nervous I thought I would faint. That love may have changed, but the meaning of that love, the actions that loved created are never replaced, or gone. They are within my heart forever, and only shared with the one person I wanted to spend forever with. Sadly, sometimes forever is more like 10 years on paper. But the sentiment, the intention behind the moment remains.

It has been a song of encouragement to me. When feeling like my heart can break no further, and yet still manages to find a new way to hurt, I am reminded that the needs of my heart are always fulfilled by the Lord, and the angels he sends my way, to allow me to not feel out of touch too long. To allow me the feeling of rejoicing in spite of great sorrow or loss. To allow me to feel the love that can only be provided by the Lord, and offered through others.

If they were to write about
The story of my life
They would have to mention you
With every page they'd write
There's another side to every story told
If i were the ocean
You would be the shore
And one without the other one
Would be needing something more
We are the shadow and the light

Always love me
never leave me now
now you are the other side of me

I have known the emptiness
Of feeling out of touch
And living life without you here
Would be living half as much
Cause i've a need that only you can fill

If love was mathematical
You'd understand the sum
To the heart's equation
Where one and one makes one
And lonely equals me minus you

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